

TrueHLTH Memberships

Are you a professional patient advocate with expertise, experience, and passion for helping patients with IBD navigate their care and coverage? Join our platform. There are three ways to participate:

Option 1: Sign on to the TrueHLTH platform (powered by Umbra Health Advocacy)
Let clients with IBD find and hire you for the navigation help they need. You’ll also be eligible for client matching when people hire Umbra to find them an advocate. Work through the Umbra platform. We handle the contracting, billing, collections; you do the work.

Option 2: Sign on to the TrueHLTH platform and get a listing in the Umbra Health Advocacy Directory
Join the TrueHLTH platform plus add on your own listing in the Umbra Health Advocacy Directory.

Option 3: Join the Alliance of Professional Health Advocates (APHA) (which powers the TrueHLTH-Umbra partnership) for a special rate
Get all the benefits of APHA membership* along with access to client referrals from the TrueHLTH platform.
*Applies only to Premium/Premium+ADL and Umbra Associate Membership levels.

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