

Get Listed

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Find instructions here.


You are invited to list your program, event, mentoring offer, or organization on this website if you offer a program or expertise that will help individuals begin a new career as a health / patient advocate, navigator, or care manager, help them improve their skills, or help them expand their capabilities to help patients and caregivers.

Offers listed on this site must be open to new applicants or attendees, and not just to those people you are already serving. (e.g. You cannot list here a seminar that is available to only your current members, students, or alumni, although you MAY list such events in the calendar if new people can be included).

Please choose the template/form based on the description
you believe best fits your educational offering







Degree and Certificate Program Listings

We offer two types of listings for degree and certificate programs, as follows:



Enhanced Listings

Enhanced listings offer expanded information to help students compare and decide which is the right program for them.  They allow you to tailor your program’s information, and to add personal comentary, too.

Enhanced listings cost  $150 per year. 

Find a sample enhanced listing.

Submit an enhanced listing.

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Basic Listings

Basic listings are open to any program that meets the criteria described above.

These listings are abbreviated but cover the basics.

Basic listings are free.

Find a sample basic listing.

Submit a basic listing.


Questions?  Email us.

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