

Starting an Advocacy Business

This post has been shared by the APHA Mentor’s Blog. It was written to help you start and grow an advocacy practice.

It is provided so you can find it in a search here at, but you’ll need to link to the original post to read it in its entirety. Find the link to that post at the end of the excerpt.

Link to the original full length post.


Starting an Advocacy Business

This post was contributed by Julie Hess, ACM Care, a mentor for those who are building an advocacy practice. Starting an Advocacy Business Julie Hess What will your business look like? (Business formation and type, registrations, licenses, ID numbers, and insurance) First Steps (Marketing, Business Identity, Appointments and Speaking Engagements) Cautions about office space and confidentiality Have fun!  and a final note: I have had a fantastic time growing my business. There have been hard days –sure. But the people from all walks of life that I have met, far outweigh the difficult times.  I would do it again in a heartbeat—I am excited to be helping people grow their businesses and challenge them to think bigger and bolder about what their future will be. Find Julie’s Mentor Listing.    Learn more about Julie’s approach to mentoring. Meet other mentors who are available to help you. Suggest a Topic for this Blog Return to the Master List of Health & Patient Advocate Educational Programs.  



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