

Professional Patient Advocacy Organizations

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bullet-orange-lgProfessional Health and Patient Advocacy Organizations

These organizations promote the careers of patient and health advocacy, and hold workshops and/or annual conferences to provide enhanced advocacy learning and networking opportunities.

Find upcoming programming for these organizations on our master calendar.


bullet-goldThe Alliance of Professional Health Advocates
APHA provides ongoing business support to private professional patient advocates such as insurance, legal, marketing, business tools, networking and more. 

bullet-green The Aging Life Care Association™ (ALCA)Formerly known as the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers, the Aging Life Care Association provides support to those who work with individual patients and caregivers through education and professional development.

bullet-goldNAHAC – National Association of Health Advocacy Consultants  
NAHAC is a professional organization for consumers, professionals and those involved in policy and legislative aspects of healthcare/patient advocacy and navigation.

bullet-goldPACB – Patient Advocate Certification Board
PACB is the certification body for professional patient advocates, who can earn their BCPA (Board Certified Patient Advocate) credential.

bullet-goldWASHAA – The Washington State Health Advocacy Association
focuses on raising awareness of health advocacy, teach health advocacy skills, connect patients to WA state health advocacy resources.


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