This post was published at, and has been shared by the APHA Blog.
It is provided so you can find it in a search here at, but you’ll need to link to the original post to read it in its entirety.
Find the link to the entire post at the end of this excerpt.
Don’t Kick Yourself Later! The Top 10 Reasons You Need to Attend the APHA Workshops
With only two weeks to go before our Alliance of Professional Health Advocates Business & Marketing workshops, we still have a few seats left! I know that in the past when I’ve been on the fence about whether to take a course or attend a seminar, I have too easily let them go by without taking action – missing out entirely – and then – ARGHGH! – I kick myself afterward. I do not want you to kick yourself afterward if you miss them! So here are your top 10 reasons to attend these workshops: 10. Because, no matter what kind of advocacy you do, whether it’s care coordination, medical billing, shared decision making, mediation – or any other types of service – you need to understand business. The best advocate in the world will not succeed unless he or she can run a business efficiently and effectively 9. Because even if your goal is to get a job as an advocate, you need to understand business and marketing to enhance your resumé and to make an impression in an interview. 8. Because there will be no better regional networking opportunities this year. With workshops being held in cities across the country, you can travel not far from home to attend and spend time with others who share your interests. Bring your business cards! 7. Because other advocates might be your best clients – and – engaging other advocates to help you grow your business might be a great way to expand. You’ll spend 1-1/2 days sharing workshops and new knowledge with some of your best target audiences and support. This will be your only opportunity to do all that sharing in a business environment. 6. Because there is no better value in advocacy business education. Our curriculum is spot-on to your needs at a very low cost, as follows: 5. Our three locations each year are chosen to keep your costs-to-attend as low as possible. If you can’t drive to one easily, you should be able to fly for no more than a couple of hours without having to…