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Announcement: The Ken Schueler Patient Advocacy Compass Award
As announced this morning at the AdvoConnection Business Institute, and in honor of the spirit, legacy and memory of Ken Schueler, our friend and colleague who passed away last spring, we’d like to invite you to apply for the Ken Schueler Patient Advocacy Compass Award. The H. Kenneth Schueler Patient Advocacy Compass Award recognizes Ken’s role in defining and growing patient advocacy as a valuable service that improves the lives of its client-patients. In his name and honor, it supports the growth of this career, and the work of individuals who wish to succeed by following in his footsteps. Ken’s work, like a compass, guides them, giving them direction. The name is derived from the quote of one of Ken’s patients, Louis Chiricella, who, during a Fox News TV special in Fall 2010 called Winning the War on Cancer, said, “When I contacted Ken Schueler, it was like finding my compass.” Two awards will be provided each year to patient advocates who best illustrate those professional attributes Ken felt were important. They form the criteria for the award: Empowerment Inclusion Integrative, Evidence-Based Approach Continuous Learning Sharing and Mentoring Community Visibility The selection committee is comprised of several members of AdvoConnection, plus Ken’s daughter, Alexandra, who participated in the creation of the award. One award will be made to a patient advocate who, in the past, enjoyed a clinical career. The other will be awarded to an advocate who did not have a clinical background before becoming an advocate. Learn more about the H. Kenneth Schueler Patient Advocacy Compass Award. Then, begin preparing your application. The application deadline is December 1, 2011. The winners will be announced to the public March 1, 2012. (Update: Meet the first winners of the Schueler Compass Award!) ——————- LEARN MORE ——————- | FOR PATIENTS | FOR ADVOCATES |