

Calendar Submission Form

Calendar Event Submission Form

If your organization offers educational opportunities that are of benefit to health advocates or potential health advocates, you are invited to submit information about those opportunities to this website.

Calendar listings are intended for a broad, public audience of people with interest in advocacy. We do not accept listings that are proprietary to your own body of students or participants.*

If you are not already listed in the Master List of Programs, please contact us before submitting calendar items.

If you have more than three calendar items to add at the same time, you may forward them to us all in one email using the format below.

Calendar items must be submitted at least 15 days in advance of the event.

We reserve the right not to add calendar items we believe to be inappropriate for this audience.




Questions?  Email Us


*More about calendar listings: Calendar listings are intended for a broader audience and not just for your students, members or participants unless anyone may become one of your students, members or participants at any time – not just prior to a semester or specific dates.  

Examples:  if you are an educational institution to which students must apply, be accepted, and be enrolled in a course or program, then we may not accept your date for this calendar unless it is an event which invites more than just your currently enrolled students.  

Another organization, like a membership organization or an interest group, which is open to anyone who would like to join at any time, may list events on this calendar.
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