

It’s Time. And It’s Imperative.

This post has been shared by the AdvoConnection Blog. It was written with a patient-client audience in mind, but might be useful to you, too.

It is provided so you can find it in a search here at, but you’ll need to link to the original post to read it in its entirety.

Link to the original full length post.

It’s Time. And It’s Imperative.

For most of us, it’s been about 14 months since life came to a halt and we began our pandemic distancing and avoiding. For those who actually distanced and avoided appropriately, I say – well done! You did what you could to avoid not only getting sick with COVID yourself, but you helped keep others safe and healthy, too. Unfortunately, in the ying and yang of life, there is also a not-so-good side to that appropriate behavior, too. That is, that if one of the things you avoided was medical care, then it’s time to make up for that lost time. Granted – it might have been difficult to get that medical care! From reduced medical workforce issues, to fears of getting sick just from visiting the doctor, to facilities that offer testing and treatment that wouldn’t allow visitors and often made it difficult for patients, too – it’s really no one’s fault if you didn’t get the care you needed. And, yes, some of us were able to take advantage of telehealth appointments, using our phones, tablets, or computers to see our doctor over the internet or cell waves. But of course – it’s not the same as being seen and examined in person. Sadly, however, that also means that you may have, dangerously, fallen behind in the care you need. See if any of these apply to you or a loved one: You have one or more conditions being monitored, like heart or blood pressure issues, or blood sugar (diabetes), or digestive, or any combination of life-altering conditions or diseases.You have a family member who has been diagnosed (recently or long ago) with a life-altering disease or condition and you need to be vigilant about whether you will be affected.You have been hospitalized or treated for something chronic in the past few years.You have a disability and usually see your doctor on a regular basis.You have missed any treatments in the past year.You have had any lingering or unusual symptoms.You were due for a regular test like a mammogram or colonoscopy, but put it off.You caught COVID and haven’t been back to your doctor to check your health since you recovered.You had mental health-related symptoms or problems, new or ongoing, like depression. Or you’ve noted tendencies that crept up on you like addictions or dependencies.… or any other reason you need a healthcare professional to assess and review…



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