

How Much Do Patient Advocates Charge?

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How Much Do Patient Advocates Charge?

If someone asked me what question I am asked most frequently, I’d tell them the answer is some variation of this family of questions: How much do advocates charge for their services? What is the hourly rate for patient advocates? How much do patient advocates make? How much money do patient advocates get paid? What is the average amount a patient advocate charges? We’ll begin by answering these questions with a question (bad form, but it makes our point…) How much does it cost to take a vacation? What does it cost to go to college? How much more can I make if I get a new job? Think about those questions for a minute: they are actually kind of silly. In fact, there is only ONE answer; the same answer to the questions about advocates, cost, and pricing. It depends. So of course, now you want to know… “Depends on what?” There are two answers: It Depends: Answer #1: What advocates charge varies based on services, niche, education and experience, certifications, professionalism, geographic location … Services:  Advocates who sit by a hospital bedside don’t charge the same as advocates who negotiate hospital bills, who don’t charge the same as an advocate who gets an insurance claim approved, who don’t charge the same as the advocate who is on retainer with an elderly person who needs accompaniment to her doctor appointments month after month. Even an average here wouldn’t be helpful. Niche:  Advocates who work with Solos (Elder Orphans) have a specific expertise. As do advocates who reconcile and negotiate medical bills. As do advocates who focus on cancer care, or those whose expertise is mental health or pediatrics, or any other niche – the name for a specialty area. Even averaging within a niche wouldn’t be helpful because all the other factors listed here must also be taken into account. Education and Experience: A nurse who is providing medical-navigation services can charge more than someone who is not a nurse.  A doctor who is focusing on cancer advocacy can charge more than a nurse with the same experience. But a…


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