

Income Tax Time – Saving Money and Saving Trouble

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Income Tax Time – Saving Money and Saving Trouble

It’s that time of year when, every time we turn around, we’re being reminded that it’s time to file our income tax returns. I rank those moments right down there with getting a tooth drilled, hearing that a high school friend died, or, these days, watching the news. Yeah. So, in hopes of removing some of the sting, and in an effort to pull all the material together, accessible in one place, I’m going to take this occasion to compile into one post what I’ve had to say over the years about taxes on this blog:  yours, your clients, and the future of taxes, too. There may be some idea seeds to help you or your clients save money or time. Your Clients’ Income Tax Filing Over the years, we’ve taken a very thorough look at what your clients need to know about paying you for their services, and how that affects their income taxes. Many new advocates are surprised to learn that their services may be deductible for their clients, perhaps as a way to help their clients reach their medical expense filing threshold. This has to do with the IRS’s master list of deductible medical expenses – and guide dogs for the blind. We’ve written clarifications on this for you to study and share with your clients: Helping Your Clients Deduct Your Services From Their Income Taxes (IRS and CRA) It’s That Time of the Year – Income Taxes! for You and Your Clients Tax Time! Can Your Clients Deduct Your Patient Advocacy Services? Patient Advocates, Income Tax Deductions and Guide Dogs Is a Patient Advocate or Navigator a Qualified Medical Expense for Patients? Your Own Income Tax Filing (filing 2017 tax returns in 2018) Deadlines in the US are different this year: Americans’ tax filings aren’t due until April 17 this year. Seriously. Canadian income tax filings are due either April 30, or for those who are self-employed, June 15th.  (Hey, I like that idea of more time for those who are self-employed, although in some ways that simply prolongs the agony.) Filing your own income tax…


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