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In the
APHA Connect!
Discussion Forum
a Forum open to
only designated members |
Conversation |
Congratulations to those who passed the BCPA exam! |
Getting into Mayo Clinic Rochester |
Pediatric Craniosynostosis |
PACB Test Preparation |
HIPAA compliant portable file box |
Training Caring, Compassionate and Competent Doctors |
Medicare chronic care management? |
So GOOD to meet you at ICOPA! |
+ADL Forum* |
Stem Cell Joint Pain Treatment – Insurance Coverage |
Looking for advocate or attorney withi Medicaid waiver
experience |
Media Request: Drug Markups for Hospital Outpatients |
Media Request – Insider – Seeking insurance expert (Wig
coverage) |
Medical Billing & Claims SIG Forum |
Article: “CFPB Reports Flood of Medical Debt-Collection
Complaints Last Year |
Article re: Millions with lose Medicaid Coverage when
COVID Emergency Ends |
Unique Scenario regarding Advanced Beneficiary Notice
(ABN) |
APHA Academy 100 Days to Launch (WS 2022)* |
NSO Rider |
Encryption, E-Signature and Form-filling |
Response from PACB re: earning CEs prior to
certification |
Cohort Networking Tues 04/12/22 |
BCPA Congratulations!! |